Streamline Your Travel Business with Expert Software Strategy & an Implementation Action Plan

Navigating the world of travel software can often feel like plotting a complex itinerary through uncharted territory. Are you ready for a guide, a partner who can provide the map and compass to help you reach your destination?

If You're Struggling With:

  • Choosing software solutions that will fit your specific needs

  • Comparing software features

  • Streamlining your processes

  • Identifying where to add automation

  • Feeling like everything is manual

  • Running a quickly growing business and DO NOT have the time to implement cjhanges within your existing tech stack

  • Implementing new software within your available seasonal window

Then it's Time to Stop Second Guessing


Get the Clarity You Need to Simplify Your Travel Tech


a Software Strategy & Implementation Plan!

Confidently Leap Forward

Get clarity on which software combination will leverage success and how to add automation. I’ll then support you by setting a timeline and outlining all the practical details to bring the tech stack to life. Let's get you're travel systems on track to smashing all your business goals.

Expertise at Your Service

Travel systems and processes need a navigator with experience. With over 40 travel companies counselled and improved, our knowledge isn't just theoretical—it's proven in the field. We've refined our framework through insights only available to those who have truly understood both the serenity and the storms of the travel industry.

Regain Your Time

Imagine the profound peace of mind that envelops you when seamlessly integrated software manage your day-to-day operations, allowing you to focus on what truly matters. This vision of efficient and productive processes is not a distant dream but rather a tangible reality within reach.

What's Included

  • 2-hour Consultation Session + Recording

  • Custom Software Recommendation(s) - what to keep, add or stop using

  • Custom Implementation Plan with Detailed Tasks & Resources - for DIY or delegating to a team member, usually 5-7 pages with interactive checklists!

  • 1-hour Action Plan Review Call - ensure clarity for execution!

  • 1 Month of Email Support - answers within 2 business days for 30 days

Unlock Your Software Strategy for just $995 CAD!

Are Your Ready to Upgrade Your Software & Processes?

Your next steps couldn't be simpler:

  1. Book your spot and then you will be redirected to choose a time for your 2-hour Consultation Call.

  2. We connect on Zoom for 2 hours. You share your goals, challenges, current tech and processes. We talk through streamlining options, automation ideas and more!

  3. I'll plan out your Implementation Action Plan for efficient, streamlined operations that will redefine the way you work, manage trips, and communicate with clients. Receive your Action Plan with 1 week of your Consultation.

  4. We'll have a 1-hour Action Plan Review Call to ensure you're clear on your Implementation tasks. Team members supporting this are welcome!

  5. Put time blocks in your calendar to do the tasks in the Action Plan - the time investment now will reap long term time-saving rewards!

  6. You'll have unlimited email access to ask questions, clarify processes or whatever you need for the first 30 days.

Hi there, I'm Katie!

With a passion for processes, over 15 years working in travel & tourism business backends and a certification as an Online Business Manager, I am dedicated to supporting businesses to become more organized and efficient.

Drawing on my extensive knowledge of software, expertise in productivity, and automation, I am driven to empower my clients to take control of their business’s digital processes.

It brings me joy to watch businesses transition from reactive and unorganized to proactive, calm planners. Ready to take your business systems to the next level?

Let’s do this, together!

What Others Are Saying


How much time do I get 1:1 with Katie?

Total is 3 hours. We spend 2 hours together to start, which helps me get 'under the hood' of your business and teams needs, ask clarifying questions, and ensure I have what I need to make a software recommendation and create your implementation action plan.

Who is this Travel Software Strategy & Implementation Plan for?

Business owners or decision making mangers who are seeking an objective review of their current software setup and baseline processes (booking> post trip). If you're still vetting software options, this 1:1 can also be used to clarify which option is best for your business - now and long term. You should be ready to invest 4-6 hour per week to implement the provided action plan for 4-12 weeks or have a techy team member to delegate to. 

What is your refund policy?

This is a non-refundable investment. I aim to provide personalized consulting services to help you grow your business. In accepting one of the limited number of places I have available, you acknowledge I am committing my time and resources to you. For this reason, if you decide to withdraw from your consultation/ workshop/ program, I will not offer a refund. I trust you to make a wise and thoughtful decision. 

What do I have to do to prepare?

You will need to complete my intake form to provide me with the background needed to host the 2 hour Intake & Consultation Session. Be ready to share all your software, monthly budget/software spend, goals for the next 1-5 years (including income, clients to serve etc.), as well as give clear descriptions of issues/pain points in how you're currently doing things day-to-day. 

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